Ask a Vet

How Often Should You Bathe A Brussels Griffon?

By Kerry
Updated on

Are you currently wondering how often you should bathe your Brussels Griffon? You’re in luck!

Below, not only are we going to be talking you through how often you should bathe your Brussels Griffon, but we are also going to be sharing some helpful cleaning and care tips, too!

Whenever you’re ready, let’s jump right in. 

Brussels griffon puppy and ball

What Is A Brussels Griffon?

The name “Brussels” comes from the city of Brussels in Belgium. The word “Griffon” means “eagle” in French. These two words combined make up the name “Brussel Griffon.”

A Brussel griffon is a very intelligent dog that can be trained to do many different things. This breed was originally bred as hunting dogs but they have been used as family pets since the 1800s.

These dogs are great with children and other animals and they are also good at guarding property or people. In addition, another huge characteristic about this breed of dog is that it is not known to be aggressive, not even towards strangers.

As for their appearance, Brussels Griffons are medium-sized dogs. Their height ranges between 25 inches and 30 inches tall.

They weigh between 80 pounds and 120 pounds on average and have a smooth, short coat that is typically very glossy in appearance. 

How Often Should You Bathe A Brussel Griffon?

Just like with all other types of short-coat dogs, you are going to want to make sure that you are cleaning your Brussel Griffon at least once every two to three weeks.

This will help to ensure that your Brussel Griffon remains nice and clean without overwashing them. However, do keep in mind that the above is just a recommended time frame for how frequently you should be cleaning your Brussel Griffon.

There may be a variety of lifestyle factors that may also impact how frequently you need to clean your dog (such as how active your dog is, and how hot the area where you live is) that you should take into account when deciding how often to clean your dog. 

In addition to potential lifestyle factors that might impact how often you will need to bathe your Brussel Griffon, you should also take into account whether or not your dog has any health issues, as this could also impact how often you should bathe your dog. 

If your dog is prone to skin sensitivity or something similar, then we recommend consulting your veterinarian to determine the best routine schedule for cleaning your Brussel Griffon.

How To Clean Your Brussel Griffon Dog: Step-by-Step Instructions

Dog breed brussels griffon walks

So, now that you know how often you should be cleaning your Brussel Griffon, we are now going to be talking you through how you should correctly clean them.

To ensure that each bath time is an enjoyable one for both you and your Brussel Griffon, check out the following steps below:

Step One

Before you begin washing your Brussel Griffon, you should first begin by making sure that you have taken a moment to wash your hands first.

It’s important that you make sure that you are washing your hands prior to handling your dog, otherwise, you might end up getting dirt and debris across the coat. 

Step Two

Once you have done this, you will then need to make sure that your Brussel Griffon is calm and relaxed.

It’s no secret that bath time can be a distressing experience for some dogs, so it’s important that you are making sure that your dog is comfortable before you begin bathing.

If you have a dog that is particularly nervous, words of praise and petting should help to relax your dog – you could even give them a few treats to settle any fear that they might have.

Step Three

When you and your dog are both ready, begin by introducing the lukewarm water.

As a side note, make sure that the water is of a lukewarm temperature, as the last thing that you want is for the water to be too cold or too hot.

While cleaning, gently scrub your dog using warm water and shampoo of your choice. Start by washing the front legs. Then move down to the hind legs.

Finally, wash your dog’s belly. Be careful when washing near the eyes and ears.

Step Four

When you are satisfied that your dog has been thoroughly cleaned, you can then go ahead and rinse your dog thoroughly under running lukewarm water.

The key is to make sure that all of the remaining suds and residue from the shampoo has been cleaned away, otherwise it might dry to your dog’s skin and cause itchiness.

Alongside making sure that you are rinsing your Brussel Griffon, don’t forget to rinse out the bathtub, either!

Step Five

After your dog is cleaned and rinsed off, you should then go ahead and dry your dog completely. Pat him dry gently with a soft towel.

All the while, make sure that you are not rubbing your dog too forcefully, as this might be uncomfortable for your dog. 

Wrapping Up

All in all? Brussel Griffins are wonderful family companions and make excellent watchdogs. Besides being very smart and trainable, they are also known as “guardian angels.”

As a general rule of thumb, you should be sure that you are cleaning your Brussel Griffin at least once every two weeks, as they have a tendency to get dirty.

Still, when it comes to bathing your Brussel Griffin pooch, you’re going to be the best judge when deciding how often you should be bathing your dog.

So long as you make sure that you are taking into account your dog’s lifestyle and other factors that could impact how often they will need to be cleaned (such as a health condition or hot climate) then we’re sure that you’ll have no trouble keeping your Brussel Griffon pup nice and clean.

Thank you for reading!

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners.Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.